Mira Rajput, wife of actor Shahid Kapoor is an avid social media user. She constantly shares glimpses of the Kapoor family from their daily routine. In the past few months, Mira is clicked making several appearances with her kids Misha and Zain. She has also shared a video of the kids on her Instagram, from the wedding of Sanah Kapur. Mira Rajput on Tuesday took to her Instagram to share a cute glimpse of her little one’s as she became ‘mama sandwich’ between Misha and Zain. The photo is adorable beyond words.
In the photo, Mira is clicked snuggling with her kids Misha and Zain. She is snapped while being seated at the staircase of her home. While Zain is clicked lying stomach facing on his mother’s lap, Misha has her stomach facing Mira’s back. The cute photo shows Shahid Kapoor’s wife becoming a mama sandwich between her kids.
Sharing the photo, the star wife wrote, “Joy of my little things #mamasandwich #snuggles (sic).”
Take a look at the post below:
Meanwhile, Ishaan Khatter reacted to the photo shared by Mira. He wrote, “Issa luv sandwich.. & I click the best photos” Kiara Advani also took to the comments section and dropped a love struck emoji. Shahid’s Jersey co-star Kiara Advani also dropped a comment and wrote, “Hello cuties.”
It was only recently that Mira had shared a cute video of her kids. She shared a back facing video of Misha and Zain as they were swinging on a swing. The video of the kids was from Mahabaleshwar. They attended the wedding of Shahid Kapoor’s sister Sanah Kapur.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput look royal as they pose for a romantic photo at sister Sanah’s wedding