Shahid Kapoor and his wifey Mira Rajput Kapoor are one of the most adorable couples of Bollywood. Much like Priyanka-Nick and Sonam-Anand, this Kapoor duo doesn’t shy away from showering love on each other. Be it in public or over the social media, Shahid-Mira are full of love. The two already have a daughter and are soon to welcome their 2nd child. Mira who is in the third trimester of her pregnancy is fulfilling all her food cravings with Sasha by her side.
Earlier, today the duo was spotted post their lunch date and Mira was seen flaunting her baby bump with grace. The lady even shared a picture with Shahid post their date. And looks like Mrs Kapoor is in photo sharing spree-today. Well, Mira was so excited to click herself, that she took hubby Shahid’s phone to do so.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor enjoys with baby Misha
Moreover, the lady even shared her selfie on Shahid’s Instagram story. In the picture, Shahid can be seen in the backdrop, the reason for the same was not known. However, Mira in the next post revealed that she has taken over her social media handle, saying, “Insta taken over by me! What is he doing at the back?!”
Check it out right here:
What do you think Shahid is doing at the back? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Talking about Shahid’s work front, the actor will be next seen in ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’ opposite Shraddha Kapoor.