Sanjay Dutt and Sanjay Gupta met on the sets of ‘Thanedar’ and became friends. Dutt gave a break to Gupta with ‘Aatish’ after which they both worked together in several films. Subsequently they formed a production company White Feather Films but had a fall-out during the making of ‘Shootout At Lokhandwala’ in 2007.
Sanjay Dutt and Sanjay Gupta’s friendship ended on a bitter note, with Dutt terminating his personal and professional relationship with Sanjay Gupta in 2007 amid allegations of financial bungling within the production company they had partnered since 2001.The fallout was so bitter that in an interview, Gupta had reportedly said that he would never be friends with Dutt in this life. To which Dutt had replied, Why only this life…We can’t be friends in any of my future lives.”
They had patched up their differences at Amitabh Bachchan’s 70th birthday party last year.the filmmaker who is gearing up for the release of ‘Shootout at Wadala’ which will dramatize the first encounter by Mumbai police, where gangster Manya Surve (played by John Abraham) was shot dead in 1982 at Wadala. Gupta Said , he is keen to work with the actor again and says he is missing him for every role.
Sanju Baba we hope you are paying attention to Gupta’s request.