After Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Neha Dhupia’s wedding, get ready to witness yet another wedding in Bollywood! This time it is going to be Mithun Chakraborty’s son, Mahaakshay, popularly known as Mimoh. The reports of his Roka with a girl had surfaced earlier this year.
Until now, not much was known about his bride-to-be. But now, SpotboyE, an online portal, got in touch with the girl and turns out that she is none other than TV actress Sheela Sharma’s daughter, Madalsa Sharma.
Talking to the portal, Madalsa revealed that she is all set to marry Mahaakshay Chakraborty on July 7, 2018. Apparently, the Roka function was held at the Chakraborty house in Madh Island, Mumbai and the wedding is likely to be held in Mithun’s hometown, Ooty. (Also Read: Mithun Chakraborty has directorial plans, says son)
Speaking about Madalsa, the lady is also an actress just like her mother. Madalsa made her Bollywood debut in 2011 with ‘Angel’. Apart from Bollywood, the 26-year-old has also featured in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, German and Punjabi films. Sharma has pursued English Literature from Mithibai College and is currently working on a short film for Cannes Film Festival.
On the other hand, Mahaakshay has worked in films like ‘Jimmy’, Haunted-3D, ‘Loot’ and more.