Rain Gods are playing spoilsport for Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone starrer movies. SanjayLeela Bhansali who had allotted his dates so that Chennai Express could be completed must be ruing his decision,as the incessant Mumbai rains since the past three days has made shooting of his movie Ram Leela very difficult, therefore the stars have moved on to other commitments,as the remaining shooting can only be concluded when the rains stop.
On The other hand Ranbir Kapoor’s Bombay Velvet too is delayed due to the rains , Bombay Velvet was to be shot in Sri Lanka where Anurag Kashyap was recreating Bombay city, but due to the monsoon it is getting delayed and the movie is facing a setback.
As per sources,”an additional cost of 5 lakh a day in the way of rent for the land being used for the set, along with laborer’s fees, along with daily allowance and accommodation for the team that has gone to Sri Lanka from Mumbai.’
Hope the Rain gods bless the two with some days of clear skies.