At the launch of ‘The Wakhra Song’ from her upcoming film ‘Judgementall Hai Kya’, Kangana Ranaut got embroiled in a heated argument with a reporter. The matter escalated when the Entertainment Journalists Guild asked Kangana to apologize for intimidating a journalist who was just doing his job. And if she fails to do so, they will ban her.
While Kangana blatantly refused to apologize, her sister and manager Rangoli Chandel lashed out at the media using colourful languages. However, the film’s producer Ekta Kapoor did issue an apology and urged everyone to not let one incident hamper the hard work of the entire team that went into the making of this film.
Now after the Entertainment Journalists Guild, Mumbai Press Club too has condemned Kangana as well as her sister Rangoli’s behaviour for mocking and using abusive language towards journalists. They have also fully supported their call for a complete boycott of Kangana’s events.
“We have examined the footage of various videos and it is clear that while Justin was fully composed, Ms Ranaut was abusive and insulting to Rao accusing him of writing against her movies. While Rao denied he had run a ‘smear campaign’, it must be pointed out that as a journalist, he was fully within his rights to criticize her work. A job of a journalist is to provide an independent assessment of entertainment content; and critical commentary cannot be reason enough to lose control, turn against the media and hurl expletives,” read a statement of Mumbai Press Club.
They also pointed out that this is not the first time that Kangana and Rangoli’s unprofessional conduct has come into the limelight. They further stated that they will be further examining the issue and if necessary take up the matter with the various associations of filmmakers.
Mumbai Press Club has also indicated that since this is a serial problem on Ranaut’s part, they will examine the option of pressing criminal charges of abuse, defamation and intimidation against her and also seek civil compensation for preventing journalists from carrying on their professional work.
Also Read: ‘Judgementall Hai Kya’ song launch: Kangana Ranaut embroiled in a heated argument with a journalist
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