Actor Arbaaz Khan who is making his directional debut with Dabangg sequel gives all his credit to his Father Salim Khan.While promoting the movie,Arbaaz said,”I will share with you a fact that I have gained from my father.”
“In our upbringing, he has always made us understand that each of us has to make it on our own. My father is very proud that Salman has made it on his own. He would want me to count my achievements in the same manner as well,”Arbaaz adds.
Salman Khan’s father Salim Khan is a well known scripit writer. interestingly Salim Khan has been scripit consultant for Salman’s flims like ‘Dabangg’,’Ready’,’Bodyguard’ and ‘Dabangg-2’.With Salim’s Khan inclusion this movie is is now all set to be second highest grosser of the year after EK THA TIGER.
While speaking about his dad,Arbaaz continues, ‘My father has always said that, ”If you want me to be there then I am available. However you fight it out on your own and then learn things the hard way. If you ever feel like ‘kya karne chahiye’, ‘kaisa karna chahiye’ then first think about it yourself, apply yourself and then come in for gathering any advice. This is what I follow.
Dabangg2 is slated to release on Dec 21st 2012.