Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra will soon be seen teaming up for their third venture. This time, it is for director Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s ‘Namastey England’. The two stars, after wrapping up Yashraj’s ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ took a small break, and will now resume work with the shoot of ‘Namsatey England’.
The ‘Ishaqzaade’ couple is all set to bring out their true blue Punjabi colours for this one, and are quite excited for the same.
Before kickstarting the shoot, the actors, along with their director Vipul Amrutlal Shah recently visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar to seek blessings. Here are the pictures.
Arjun, who was attending his cousin Mohit Marwah’s wedding, flew down directly to Amritsar after the ceremonies. (Also Read: Namastey England: Parineeti Chopra jets off to Amritsar sans Arjun Kapoor)
Talking about ‘Namastey England’, the movie was touted to be a sequel of 2007 romantic drama by Shah. Titled ‘Namastey London’, it featured Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, and was a success. However, the makers denied the same. Although the names are similar, the storylines will be distinctly different, if the makers are to be believed.
‘Namastey England’ will be shot extensively across 75 locations of the world, including Mumbai, Punjab and the UK. It will reportedly hit the screens in the year 2019. (Also Read:Â Namastey England: Parineeti Chopra jets off to Amritsar sans Arjun Kapoor)
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