Veteran actor Nana Patekar is quietly carrying out the good deed of helping the families of farmers who committed suicide in the draught-hit areas. He has just not donated money, but is also keenly participating in bringing about a change in the lives of the families that are worst affected by the natural calamity. He recently donated sewing machines to the women of the families of farmers who committed suicide; so that they can earn their bread and butter by working.
Nana Patekar’s foundation, Naam Foundation, has been successful in collecting approximately Rs 22 crore from the people for the aid of farmers, and now Nana has donated sewing machines. Earlier, when he had started working for this cause, he had himself handed over cheques of Rs 15000 to approximately 113 families affected by the drought in the region of Vidharba.
Apart from this, he has also adopted few villages and is working hard to modify them into model villages. His foundation is trying hard to fill back the dried lakes and rivers in order to provide drinking water to the farmers.
All of this is being silently carried out without any fuss and hence we salute Nana Patekar for the same.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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