Nawazuddin Siddiqui is the most sought after actor of Bollywood and many directors are queuing up to work with the actor. There were even reports of ace director Vishal Bhardwaj teaming up with Nawaz. However, as per the recent reports, though they wanted to collaborate, but the talk didn’t end well for the two.
According to sources, Vishal and Nawazuddin were in talks for a project but things didn’t work out between the two and then they decided to part ways. The two had their creative differences in the film’s discussion stage. If sources are to be believed, Vishal Bhardwaj who’s a perfectionist in his own way wanted Nawaz to be clean-shaved for a period of over five months as it was the demand of the character, for continuity reasons. But Nawaz, who’s packed with offers couldn’t commit to the same for that long a period. And hence, he chose to walk out of the film. Now Vishal has started working on the project again and is currently looking to cast another actor for his film.
Well, no matter what, we would have loved to see them collaborate. We wish that happens soon. (Also Check: Nawazuddin, Sanya snapped while shooting for ‘Photograph’. VIEW PICS)
On work front, Nawazuddin was last seen in ‘Munna Michael’ and ‘Babumoshai Bandookbaaz’. While the former did not work at the box office, Nawaz’s performance was applauded. Whereas Vishal’s last project was ‘Rangoon’ which fared poorly at the box office.