Neetu Kapoor took to social media to express her feelings of missing her late husband, Rishi Kapoor, as she celebrated Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary with Ranbir, Alia, and Riddhima. The Kapoor family gathered for a heartfelt tribute to the legendary filmmaker, with Bollywood stars coming together to honour his incredible legacy. Amid the festivities, Neetu shared a touching moment that reflected her emotions, posting a heartfelt photo alongside Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Riddhima.
Neetu Kapoor remembers late husband Rishi Kapoor
On December 14, the veteran actress used her Instagram stories to capture a poignant moment with Ranbir, Alia, and Riddhima. Neetu Kapoor conveyed how much she missed Rishi Kapoor during the celebration. She included the caption, “Missed you Kapoor Saab,” along with the hashtag #RishiKapoor.
Neetu Kapoor misses late Rishi Kapoor
In the photo shared by Neetu, the warmth of family is palpable. Ranbir Kapoor stood out in a striking black bandhgala sherwani, complete with a moustache that surprised fans. He tenderly placed his hand on his sister Riddhima’s shoulder, drawing her close for the picture.
Neetu looked elegant in a silver salwar kameez, accentuated by a red necklace and subtle makeup. Alia Bhatt wore a radiant white floral saree. She complimented Neetu’s look beautifully with a delicate necklace and soft makeup, her hair cascading around her face. Alia was seen affectionately holding Neetu’s hand, creating a perfect family portrait that emanated love and togetherness.
Raj Kapoor’s 100th Birth Anniversary celebration
The celebration also brought together a host of luminaries from Bollywood. It includes Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor and Aadar Jain. The event witnessed Boney Kapoor, Tiger Shroff, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Mahesh Bhatt. Rasika Duggal, Sharvari, Huma Qureshi, Aditya Roy Kapur, Farhan Akhtar, and many more were present. This grand event served as a heartfelt tribute to Raj Kapoor’s remarkable contributions to Indian cinema and his enduring legacy.