Neha Dhupia is known for her knack to make any outfit look splendid. The actress has, during her pregnancy, given to-be moms some serious style inspiration with her maternity dressing. It’s been two months since she has given birth to a beautiful daughter but the actress seems to be in the mood for maternity leave. She was recently spotted at Femina Stylista West 2019.
Neha who was there to judge the show with Taapsee Pannu was asked to speak on social media trolling. To which Neha replied, “I think people have lots of time to sit and do these things. One should sit and reply to these people to stop them.”
For her appearance at the pageant, Neha picked an outfit by Shantanu and Nikhil to wear. Sleek hair, a Bottega Veneta clutch and a pair of metallic pumps rounded off her look. Neha looked stunning as always.
But what shocked the lady was the title of her article on a fashion web portal from Pakistan – Fashion Central. Neha took to her social media handle and wrote a hard-hitting statement against all who try to body shame her. It is truly disappointing that a woman Hina Khurram wrote this.
Check out Neha’s statement here:
Neha wrote that “I don’t owe anyone an explanation because fat-shaming like this doesn’t bother me one bit. But I do want to address this as a larger problem because fat-shaming needs to stop for EVERYONE, not just celebs. As a new mom, I want to be fit, healthy and energetic for my daughter. So I work out every day, sometimes twice a day because for me…’Fitness’ is a priority and not ‘fitting into’ society’s standards regarding looks. And I hope in the future people are kinder to each other while making such vapid and vile comments.”
When we checked the website now, the article seems to have been deleted. Maybe, it’s Neha’s bashing on social media, because of which they took this step.
Kudos Neha for taking a stand against body shamers. Your stand will go a long way to boost the morale of other women.
Also Read: Happy One Month: Neha Dhupia shares a cute video of her baby