Comedian and actor Kapil Sharma is also amongst the many celebs who tied the knot recently. The funny man married the love of his life Ginni Chatrath on December 12 in Punjab’s Jalandhar. The wedding was a true Punjabi one and all the guests and friends had a gala of a time. Now, Kapil Sharma has taken to his Instagram account and shared the pic from his Anand Karaj ceremony.
For this holy occasion, Kapil Sharma was seen wearing a traditional Sikh wear with white embroidered sherwani and pink turban around his head. He also held a sword in his hand. On the other hand, Ginni Chatrath was looking so beautiful in a matching pink lehenga with a red dupatta on her forehead. The couple looked charming in the colour coordinated ensembles.
In another pic shared by Kapil soon after his wedding, the newlyweds looked extremely royal and regal.
Kapil Sharma over the last 12-18 months has been going through a rough patch due to the variety of reasons. The actor has been branded as lazy, unprofessional, hot-tempered and has lost out on work. But, now he is returning with his comic show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ and we hope that lady luck works for Kapil.
Post the wedding, Kapil Sharma’s family will host a reception in Amritsar for the newlyweds while the actor-comedian will host a separate function in Mumbai on December 24 for the film fraternity and his friends.
We wish Kapil and Ginni a lifetime of happiness!
Also Read: Abhishek Bachchan, Sunil Grover and others wish Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath
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