Rajkummar Rao-starrer ‘Newton’ has become the first official entry of India to the Oscars, this year. The film has created an immense buzz amongst the audience with only positive words pouring in for it. But, a controversy too kept this film at the top of the headlines. It was being said that ‘Newton’ is not an original concept and has been inspired by an Iranian film called ‘Secret Ballot’. Though the makers of ‘Netwon’ rubbished all these reports, gossip mills had their share of meat to munch on. But now here’s a clarification from the ‘Secret Ballot’ producer.
Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap came out in support of ‘Newton’ and got in touch with Marco Muller, the producer of ‘Secret Ballot’. Through a Facebook post, Anurag has revealed how he requested the makers of ‘Newton’ to send a link of the film to Muller, in order to get his reaction. In response, Marco has stated that ‘Newton’ is a pretty decent film and is not at all a rip-off of ‘Secret Ballot’.
Check out Anurag’s Facebook post.
Anurag then also posted a screenshot of an interview of Babak Payami, the director of ‘Secret Ballot’, by an Indian journalist. In the interview, Babak has just sent out good wishes to the director of ‘Newton’. Check out the post below.
We guess the controversy can be put to rest now. Hats off to Anurag for such efforts and supporting ‘Newton’. (Also Read: Rajkummar believes that it’s his mom’s blessings that are helping ‘Newton’ succeed)
The film is directed by Amit Masurkar.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.