Nick Jonas has become a household name in India, hasn’t he? The singer-musician will be tying the knot with India’s Desi Girl Priyanka Chopra. The wedding will be taking place at royal and regal Rajasthan’s Jodhpur city. The preparations are in full swing and the affair is expected to be a spectacular one.
Amidst all this chatter, Nick shared a heartfelt post on Instagram on being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The actor shared a throwback photo of himself that is of 13 years back. The post talks about his struggle with diabetes and how he has full control over his body now. The artist is also thankful to his family and friends for their support. Here are the excerpts from his post. The post read: “13 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The picture on the left is me a few weeks after my diagnosis. Barely 100 pounds after having lost so much weight from my blood sugar being so high before going to the doctor where I would find out I was diabetic.” You can read the full post below.
It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable and talk about your shortcomings in the public domain. Nick Jonas has proven that he is a man with feelings and kudos to him. We wish him all the happiness and a sound and healthy life!
Also Read: Nick Jonas is missing his girl Priyanka Chopra big time; Read Details
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