Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas exchanged wedding vows as per Christain rituals on December 1 and yesterday they tied the knot as per Hindu rituals at royal Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur. The pictures of their marriage are not out yet but the couple has shared the pictures from their mehendi and sangeet ceremonies. Also, pictures of the cricket match played between the Jonas and the Chopras are doing rounds on the internet.
We came across an interesting story reported by Dainik Bhaskar that states that Nick called his personal chefs from Kuwait and Dubai to make a wedding cake. As per the report in the daily, on Saturday night, these chefs visited several Indian restaurants to learn about Indian spices and dishes. Chef Karan Bakshi told the daily that chefs were interested in Marwaad’s masaaledaar food and non-veg dishes. Also for the Christain wedding, a cake of 18-feet was made by these chefs.
After this piece of news, we are eagerly waiting for the Christian wedding pictures of Priyanka and Nick. As per the news in the People magazine, the wedding was officiated by Nick’s father Paul Kevin Jonas. The bride and the groom were in Ralph Lauren’s creations. Nick and Priyanka have raised the curiosity to get our hands into more pictures from the wedding. The couple along with their families are going to Delhi today as they will host a reception tomorrow where Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi is also invited.
For more details on NickYanka, keep reading our space.
Also Read: NickYanka Wedding: Mama Jonas gifts PeeCee earrings; here’s how much it’s worth