Bollywood star and global icon Priyanka Chopra has always maintained a stoic silence when it comes to her personal life. The actress has always preferred to keep her personal away from media scrutiny. The ‘Quantico’ star is all set to marry her fiance Nick Jonas on December 2 in Jodhpur but still, the couple hasn’t made any official announcement about the same.
Now, finally the actress has opened up about her D-Day in an interview to the Vogue Magazine. Spread across four days, the actress’ wedding is going to be a gala affair which is taking place at the Royal Umaid Bhawan Palace. Priyanka cheekily told the magazine that her guests will need a vacation after her wedding, since it includes an exhausting list of several events and ceremonies.
Priyanka has also confirmed that she will be marrying Nick in two separate ceremonies following the tradition and customs of the Indian and Christan wedding. However, the couple will be marrying at two separate locations inside the Umaid Bhawan Palace.
In her interview, PeeCee also revealed that for the India wedding her fiance, Nick Jonas will be wearing traditional Indian ethnic wear and would be arriving at the mandap on a horse (this is an Indian tradition). The actress asked Nick if he would be comfortable arriving on a horse and the excited groom-to-be said that he just can’t wait for it.
For Christian style wedding, Priyanka will be wearing a custom-made Ralph Lauren gown. This wedding will be officiated by Nick’s father Paul Kevin Jonas.
Now, we just can’t stop picturing how beautiful NickYanka’s fairytale wedding is going to be.
Also Read: NickYanka: We want our Desi Girl and her Videsi Babu to perform on these 7 songs at their Sangeet
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