Priyanka Chopra is the happiest girl in the world. The actress got married to the love of her life, Nick Jonas in an extravagant wedding ceremony spread across four days that took place at the picturesque and Royal Umaid Bhawan Palace. The couple’s wedding festivities comprised of Puja, Haldi, Sangeet and Mehendi functions which were enjoyed by the both the Chopra and Jonas family equally.
Priyanka had treated her fans and followers with the amazing pictures of each of her wedding festivities which she had posted on her Instagram handle. The actress’ Sangeet function was truly out of the world where we saw both the Jonas and Chopra family performing for the couple and having a dance face off. In fact, Nick and Priyanka also performed along with their families.
Now everyone was wondering who won the dance face-off at NickYanka’s Sangeet. Well, the secret is finally revealed as Nick’s brother Joe Jonas in an interview with Today.Co spill the beans about the Sangeet function. Joe shared how much he enjoyed participating in the Indian functions at Nickyanka’s wedding. The singer-actor said, “It was amazing marrying off Nick and Priyanka. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen. And to be a part of it was a dream.”
Elaborating on who exactly won the Sangeet dance-off, Joe shared, “I wished we had an advantage. Sangeet is a beautiful Indian tradition that takes place a few days before the wedding where everyone put up a performance. They(Priyanka’s family) had the most incredible performers in her family and lot of friends and family members that are Bollywood stars. We thought we would perform, sing and stuffs but they definitely crushed us. They won the Sangeet.”
You can watch Joe’s interview here:
So guys now you know that it was Priyanka’s family that won the dance-off at the couple’s Sangeet function. Isn’t that great?
For more such interesting updates keep watching this space.
Also Read: Watch: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ sangeet ceremony seems out of this world
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