It’s official now. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have finally tied the knot as per Christian customs on 1st December. And the couple will once again tie the knot, as per Indian wedding traditions on Sunday i.e 2nd December. The pictures of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ Mehendi have already gone viral.
Seeing Jonas’ family in Indian attires and to see them following Indian wedding traditions is absolutely blissful.
A source told BollywoodLife that, “Priyanka has already received her first wedding gift and that too by her mother-in-law Mama Jonas aka Denise Jonas. Word has it that Mama Jonas showered the actress with all her love and welcomed her second daughter-in-law into the family by gifting her a gorgeous set of earrings. These are no regular earrings, and she (Mama Jonas) has picked trinkets from Van Cleef & Arpels. For the uninitiated, they are a renowned French luxury jewelry, watch and perfume company.”
As per the report, the design is called as The Snowflake earrings, which is made of pure gold and embellished with diamond stones. According to the website, it costs about $79,500 a set, which is approximately Rs. 55.46 lakhs INR. The earring can hold 170 stones in it to give it a luxurious look.
Also Read: Priyanka-Nick wedding: Ralph Lauren shares post on what the couple wore on their wedding
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