After Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, actress Priyanka is all set to get married now. The ‘Quantico’ star will be tying the knot with beau Nick Jonas as per Hindu as well as Christain wedding customs in the coming month. Reportedly the couple will be marrying at the Royal Umaid Bhawan Palace. And just the cost for a night stay at this luxurious Palace of Jodhpur will leave you amazed.
Well as per a report in, a night’s stay at Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding venue cost around $60,000. Yes, you read that right. So just for a night stay at this palace, you will have to shell a whopping sum of 43 lakhs!
The architectural beauty of Jodhpur is the world six-largest residence, which is partly owned by Taj Hotels. Umaid Bhavan Palace was built by Maharaja Umaid Singh between 1928 and 1943.
Priyanka Chopra and her mother have been on several visits to the Umaid Bhawan ahead of the wedding preparations. Going by the pictures and videos of the couple visiting the palace has already created a lot of excitement amongst the couple’s fans.
Reportedly the Palace has been booked for Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jona’s wedding which will take place on December 1 and 2. On these two days considering the security, no other booking will apparently take place at the palace’s hotel.
The lavish hotel has a museum, a massive banquet hall, library, indoor swimming pool, and several other comforts.
Talking about the couple, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas will get married after dating for around a year. Nickyanka’s love story reportedly bloomed after they met at the Met Gala of 2017.
Also Read: Watch: Did Priyanka Chopra’s mom take a dig at DeepVeer’s destination wedding?
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