After Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, topics like ‘nepotism’ and favouritism’ in the industry have yet again hit the headlines. Also, Sonu Nigam came up with an explosive video where he called out the ‘mafias’ of the music industry. In the video, Sonu said that the music industry is run by only two companies and they don’t give chances to outsiders and newcomers. Also, the new talents face rejections and this leads to more suicides. In the video, Sonu also shared his own experience saying that a label made him sing songs and then later it got dubbed by another singer. Post Sonu’s allegations, other singers like Monali Thakur and Adnan Sami also came in support of him.
We asked Nikhita Gandhi if she too had faced any rejection or criticism being an outsider, to which the singer said, “I am sure people have faced it and they might be at the receiving end too. But thankfully I haven’t faced that kind of criticism.”
Nikhita revealed that she had faced instances where her voice was replaced by another artiste at the last moment. “There has been a moment where I have sung a song in a film and at the last moment, my voice has been replaced by somebody who has more pull in the industry basically or somebody who has more connection or somebody whose family is more prominent. That has happened to me and I am so glad people are talking about it as it takes a lot of guts and courage.”
“I never let it bother me because my peace of mind is more important than building some kind of insecurity. It has happened to many good and veteran singers. But what I think that if my voice has been replaced then there might be other singers too whose voice I have replaced too unknowingly and I don’t know about it. In that case, if I feel horrible, and they feel the same way as I do, it is justified. Knowingly I won’t replace anyone,” she added.
This is such a positive perspective, we must say!
Currently, Nikhita is over the moon due to her latest song ‘Kamli’ that has been receiving lots of love from her fans.
Also Read: Mithoon on remix culture: I don’t feel it’s a healthy trend for the future of Hindi film music