‘Dangal’ director Nitesh Tiwari recently revealed that he considering Varun Dhawan for his next film. This film is an adaptation of book ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty and Started a Million Dollar Company’. It is a bestseller penned by entrepreneur Varun Agarwal, a semi-autobiographical account of how he came to be. Nitesh Tiwari informed a news agency, “We are thinking about him (Varun Dhawan). But he is busy right now. We were looking for a good, young hero who has a great screen presence.”
Further when asked whether they have approached Varun or not, Nitesh Tiwari said, “I did speak to Varun about the film. He is more than happy about it (film). But only time will tell if he can do the film or not as he has a very busy schedule so I don’t know what the future holds.”
Varun Dhawan surely has his hands full with films. He would be next seen in ‘Judwaa 2’ along with Taapsee Pannu and Jacqueline Fernandez. It is directed by his father David Dhawan and is a sequel of cult film ‘Judwaa’ that starred Salman Khan. The ‘Dabangg’ Khan will have a cameo in this one. Further, Varun has a film called ‘Sui Dhaaga’ wherein he would share screen space with Anushka Sharma. It would be directed by Shakat Katariya and would be produced by Maneesh Sharma.
We hope Varun picks up this project too as he seems to be perfect for this role. Let’s wait and watch. (Also Read: Varun Dhawan wants to star in ‘Baahubali 3’, but Karan Johar says ‘no’ to him)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.