Veteran actor Dilip Kumar, who is undergoing treatment of kidney failure and other complications at Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital, hasn’t shown any improvement in the past one day. Opposed to rumours, he has not been put on ventilator and his health isn’t any better either. As per sources from the hospital, he might have to undergo dialysis
“(His condition is) Not good. His creatinine is rising, haemoglobin is decreasing and potassium levels are increasing. He will need dialysis, but he is not on ventilator,” Jalil D. Parker, a member of the doctor’s team treating him, told IANS. (Also Read: While Dilip Kumar’s condition worsens, wife Saira Banu hopes for his recovery)
The legend was admitted at the hospital on Wednesday, with problems of dehydration and urinary infection. He was accompanied by wife Saira Banu.
Kumar was last seen in the 1998 film ‘Qila’ and has received some of the country’s highest civilian awards including the Padma Vibhushan in 2015.
Fans across the country are praying for his well being. We hope he comes home healthy and hearty soon.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.