Do you remember, long back, during the screening of Kiara Advani starrer Guilty, the shutterbugs happened to capture Alia Bhatt’s phone which had the sweetest wallpaper. It was none other than a picture of herself with her beau Ranbir Kapoor. Well, this time, the paparazzi happened to capture Ranbir Kapoor’s phone who was recently spotted at the airport with his ladylove Alia Bhatt. As they were getting inside the airport, getting past the security check, we got a glimpse of Ranbir’s phone wallpaper and it is not what you’re thinking.
Nope, the phone wallpaper doesn’t have Alia Bhatt but his late father Rishi Kapoor. Ranbir phone had his father Rishi as the wallpaper and this melted our hearts instantly. Fans were in complete awe to see his phone wallpaper as they showered him with love. Meanwhile, as his father Rishi Kapoor’s last film Sharmaji Namkeen is gearing up for release, like a dotting son, Ranbir even shared an interesting insight about the film that only made us emotional. He revealed that his father was shooting for the film and fell sick midway through shooting.
He wanted to finish the shoot, but life had other plans and he couldn’t do it. Post his tragic demise, they wondered how will they finish the shoot of the film. Ranbir Kapoor revealed they were thinking of using VFX while also mentioning that he was ready to step in and use prosthetics to complete the film. However, Paresh Rawal then helped the makers to complete the film.
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On the other hand, the couple flew out for their vacation a day after Alia visited Delhi for a promotional event for her upcoming film RRR.
Also read: No December wedding, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are set to get married on THIS date- Reports