Comedian and actor Kapil Sharma has finally confirmed his marriage with girlfriend Ginni Chatrath. The actor-comedian shared the news on his Instagram account that he will be tying the knot on December 12. The actor wrote a beautiful and lengthy post and thanked everyone for their support and love. The funny man captioned his post as, “Need ur blessings”
The ace comedian, in the recent past, has faced many troubles but now it seems like he is getting his life back on track. Even Kapil’s show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ will be making a comeback in December.
Talking about his relationship with Ginni, Kapil Sharma told Times of India, that he met her while conducting auditions in her college. “She studied in HMV College (Jalandhar). I was a scholarship holder, as I was a national winner in theatre. I was a student of APJ College and in order to make some pocket money, I started directing plays. I went to audition students at her college and that’s how we met in 2005.”
Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath’s love had its ups and downs. But, Ginni has always stood behind Kapil through thick and thin. And we hope that with Kapil entering the matrimonial bond with Ginni, there will be more happiness in their life.
POst their marriage the couple is planning to host a reception for Kapil’s B-town friends on December 22. However, it’s not confirmed yet as they still have to zero down the venue for their reception party.
Also Read: Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chathrath’s wedding reception in Mumbai to be held on THIS date
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