Late actor Om Puri, who died a sudden death on 6th January, had a number of Twitter handles running on his name. They are not only active but one of them also looks astonishingly real, with the powerful updates it posts. All this while and especially after his death, many of his fans and followers have been tagging the profiles in their posts.
However, none of them are real. Puri’s former wife Nandita Puri and son Ishaan Puri recently confirmed the same.
“I just want to tell his fans that Om Puri was never on Twitter. A lot of people who knew him internationally and foreign media picked up stuff from a profile called Om Rajesh Puri but that was not Puriji’s account. “There are other such profiles. We just don’t want any complications to arise,” Nandita said.
Also Read: Om Puri’ ex-wife Nandita Puri finally breaks her silence over his unnatural death
Son, Ishaan, who was inquired about Puri’s Twitter handle by a friend, echoed the same.
“My father was never on Twitter nor am I. Someone has been posting in his name. I got to know about it when my friends asked me whether my father was on Twitter,” he said.
Puri died at his Andheri residence after suffering a massive heart attack. He is survived by former wives Seema Kapoor and Nandita Puri, and his son (with Nandita) Ishaan.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.