Akshay Kumar has always portrayed a diverse range of characters with ease. One of his most loveable characters was Lord Krishna from OMG: Oh My God! The movie also starred Paresh Rawal in the lead role. Now, he is all set to play a new avatar in the second installment of the film OMG 2. Akshay Kumar took to his Instagram to share a new photo of his Lord Shiva Avatar in OMG 2.
Akshay Kumar hints at the teaser release of OMG 2
The actor has now revealed that the teaser of OMG 2 will be out soon. Sharing a photo of himself as Lord Shiva, he wrote, “Bas kuch din mai (in a few days) #OMG2 in theatres on August 11. Teaser Drops Soon.” In the photo, we can see Akshay Kumar with dreadlocks and ash on his forehead. He is also wearing rudraksha and his throat is bluish-grey from the outside, to add to the look of Lord Shiva’s character.
Pankaj Tripathi’s first look from OMG 2
A few minutes later, the actor also shared the first look of Pankaj Tripathi from OMG 2. The actor has folded hands in devotion with a tikka on his forehead. Standing in a crowded place of worship. The caption read, “Mite hai sacchai ke raah par (we will meet on the path of truth) #OMG2 in theatres on August 11! Teaser drops soon.”
Apart from Akshay Kumar, the movie stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam in the main roles. It is said to be based on the Indian educational system. Helmed by Amit Rai and Produced by Ashwin Varde, Viacom 18 and Jio Studios, OMG 2 soon hit theatres on August 11.
About OMG: Oh My God! (2012)
The earlier instalment of the movie OMG: Oh My God was released in 2012. It was a courtroom drama starring Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. The movie was based on an atheist man Kanhji (Paresh) whose shop got destroyed in a natural calamity. When the insurance company denied helping him with the lost cost stating that it was an ‘Act of God’, he filed a case against the deities. This is when Akshay Kumar enters as Lord Krishna and helps Kanji through the complexities of life.
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