Sunil Grover, who is now popularly known as Dr Mashoor Gulati, will soon be seen in a comedy film titled ‘Coffee With D’ directed by Vishal Mishra. Also, Sunil derived his ‘Dr Gulati’ status because of his impressive act on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’. As we know, a lot of celebrities come on this show to promote their film, Sunil with his silly antics is always on his toes to entertain the stars and the masses. But unfortunately, Sunil Grover won’t be able to promote his own film on the show, as he has not been given time at all.
Reports had it that Kapil promised Sunil that he would allot 5 minutes of his show to promote his film, but the makers reveal that they have not received the invite at all. Director Vishal Mishra informed a tabloid, “Sunil’s Punjabi film ‘Vaisakhi List’ was allotted just five minutes last year and Kapil told him that our film would also get five minutes as opposed to the usual 30-minute slot. Eventually, they were not invited at all.”
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However, Sunil has denied any such incidence. He rubbished the reports that Kapil refused him to promote his film on the show. He quoted, “Yes, the promotion of Coffee With D on The Kapil Sharma Show is not happening. However, Kapil did not refuse it. Anything of that sort did not happen. Kapil did not say a No.”
Okay then!
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.