Emraan Hashmi, who is gearing up for his next film titled ‘Azhar’ recently shared a horrifying video of Jakarta Bombing. The series of blasts in the capital city of Indonesia which took place just yesterday have reportedly killed 6 people and injured many. Emraan shared a video which was probably taken from a top of the building located right next to the area where the bombs were planted. One of Emraan’s friend who was in Jakarta then recorded this horrifying incident and shared it with the actor.
Emraan Hashmi then shared this video on his Twitter page with a caption, “had a friend send me this video he took from his office window in Jakarta..”
Take a look,
had a friend send me this video he took from his office window in Jakarta.. #jakartabombing pic.twitter.com/9QA7F17VDI
— emraan hashmi (@emraanhashmi) January 14, 2016
It’s indeed terrifying to see how terrorist carried out the attack.
Anyway, as we said, Emraan Hashmi would next be seen in a film ‘Azhar’ which is a biopic on cricket Mohammad Azharuddin. It is directed by Tony D’souza and will release this year.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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