Bollywood’s superstar Shah Rukh Khan was recently caught in the eye of the storm, the actor was rumoured to have tweeted that if Narendra Modi becomes the next Prime Minister Of India, he will leave the country. Did Shah Rukh Khan, who is always so politically correct make this comment?
As per sources, An SRK fan defended his idol by writing down an open letter,clarifying that it was Kamaal R Khan not Shahrukh Khan who had made the statement. “Mr Kamaal Khan, trying to gain mileage without using fuel, adapted a shortened version of his name, KRK, trying to sound similar to SRK. Mr Kamaal Khan is known for his controversial statements. Some days ago, he tweeted: ‘It’s my challenge to entire world that if Modi ji will become next PM, then I will leave not only Twitter but India also forever.’ The pathetic part is, some illiterates (or literate hatemongers) could not differentiate the ‘S’ from the ‘K’ and thus began a series of unethical, untrue and immoral personal attacks on Mr Shah Rukh Khan.”
Even BJP has said that that it was KRK, and not SRK behind the statement.