Gorgeous actress Bipasha Basu celebrates her birthday today and her hubby Karan Singh Grover is doing everything under the sun to make this day special. We stumbled upon a video shared by KSG on his Instagram account wherein we can see a glimpse of Bipasha’s birthday celebrations. Cutting the birthday cake and making a wish, Bipasha seems to be the happiest girl on this planet. But one should not miss out on the caption written by KSG while uploading this video. (Also Check: Not to be missed! We have Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover’s love captured in 5 clicks)
Calling Bipasha his precious princess, KSG has all the good things to say about his lady love.
Now that’s what we calling setting some serious hubby goals for all!
Bipasha and Karan tied the knot in the year 2016 and since then they have been the happiest couple out of the lot. Here are some of their adorable pictures.
We wish Bipasha Basu a very happy birthday.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.