Alia Bhatt fans were floored with the ‘2 States’ actress gorgeous look on the cover page of a famous magazine. She was looking all grown up and sensuous on it. The beauty who is quite busy with two films on the floor extracted some time from her hectic schedule to attend the Auto Expo 2016 on Wednesday for the launch of Audi’s new sports car in Greater Noida.
She had for company the blue-eyed boy of Indian Cricket Virat Kohli. But the fans of the beauty who were pleased to see her were left in a state of bemusement when a wardrobe malfunction displayed more than needed of the beauty. The incident took place as she stepped on stage to launch the new R8 V10 with Virat. She was looking gorgeous in a black gown but her thigh slit gown was too extended and caused an embarrassment to her.
Alia Bhatt has two films set to release this year, one being ‘Udta Punjab’ with Shahid Kapoor and the other is ‘Kapoor & Sons’ with Sidharth Malhotra and Fawad Khan.
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