Juhi Chawla, Shabana Azmi and Divya Dutta’s upcoming English film ‘Chalk N Duster’ is set to hit the theatres soon. The stars and especially Juhi Chawla is on her toes promoting the film at various promotional events. Knowing that ‘Chalk N Duster’ is a film for a niche audience and it is releasing amidst big-budget films, there’s a lot of pressure on the team to make it big at the box-office.
Apart from Juhi Chawla, Shabana Azmi and Divya Dutta there are many other big names associated with ‘Chalk N Duster.’ We have recently learnt that Rishi Kapoor is going to make a special appearance in the film. He would be playing the role of a quiz master in the film. But, guess what? Rishiji was not the first choice for this role. Apparently, it was Manoj Bajpayee would had been roped in to be the quiz master. A little birdie tells us that it was Juhi who made this decision to replace Manoj reason being his rusty looks. The news is making the rounds that Juhi felt that Manoj Bajpayee looked ‘too poor’ for the role of a quiz master and therefore, she got him replaced.
Now, this is a shocker. Manoj Bajpayee is one of the finest actors in the Indian film industry so his looks shouldn’t be a determining factor when it comes to work.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.