Undoubtedly, actress Deepika Padukone is on cloud nine after the release of her much-anticipated epic period drama ‘Padmaavat’. Post hitting the screens, the film has left everyone in awe and especially the principal cast’s performances cast a spell. And for Deepika aka Rani Padmavati, her parents Prakash Padukone and Ujjala Padukone are full of pride after watching their daughter in the historical drama.
Recently, during a media interaction, Deepika shared her parents’ reaction to her performance. She said, “My parents are immensely proud. I saw that pride on their face. Mom and dad made a video call after their screening finished late at night and I was in my pyjama and going to bed. So for them, they just saw the film and then me… So, their expression was like, ‘Is she our daughter?’ I saw their expression and they were both brimming and glowing with pride.” (Also Read: Padmaavat rakes in BIG NUMBERS on its first Saturday)
Well, it’s not a hidden fact that the film went through a lot of controversies as the group of Shri Rajput Karni Sena objected to its release over the alleged misinterpretation of the Rajput community’s history. In fact, Deepika and filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali even faced death threats during this time. Recalling that period, she revealed from where she gathered the confidence to face this difficult situation. She said, “You know, my parents never once had asked me if they should come and live with me during that whole phase because they were confident about the fact that I can handle this. That is my spirit, that is how we (my sister and I) have been brought up. We have learnt that what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong.”
Further, she added saying, “When I was working on the film, I did not expect this kind of appreciation. Of course, we knew that it is going to be a very special film as it’s my third film with Sanjay (Bhansali). There was an apprehension due to that as well… That how differently he can present me, but now after the release of the film, there is a feeling of sheer blessing. I think I am very fortunate.”
Indeed, Deepika’s parents’ proud reaction on ‘Padmaavat’ is certainly above all praises the actress has received.
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