Actor Akshay Kumar is already bringing in a lot of change in the society with regards to menstrual hygiene, thanks to his film ‘PadMan’. With many industry-wallahs supporting the star and his film by posing with a sanitary pad on Instagram (which happens to be a challenge), looks like out of the lot, one person is not at all pleased with Khiladi Kumar’s deeds. She is comedian Mallika Dua.
Well, so the comedienne has taken a jibe at Akshay by posting stories directly targeting the actor’s ongoing ‘PadMan’ challenge on Instagram.
Have a look at her Insta stories below:
For the unaware, Mallika and Akshay were part of a same show, ‘The Great Indian Laughter Challenge’ where the star’s sexist comment towards the lady made headlines. Later Mallika’s dad bashed the actor for his action and wife Twinkle also jumped in the chaos. But then all was well and things were settling down, and now we wonder why Mallika has hit back at Akshay? (Also Read: Brahmastra: This TV actor is set to create havoc as a villain for Big B, Ranbir and Alia)
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Moody, sarcastic, narcissist, quirky, a complete gossip bitch and also a SRKian, Rushabh wants to break the stereotypes within the society through his writing. Also, OUT and PROUD of his rainbow colours, his life just revolves around everything fashionable and Bollywood.