Yes, the same reporter he royally ignored inside the elevator. Unmixed awkwardness, we tell you! Pahlaj Nihalani seems such bothered by the journalist (Himanshi Chaudhry) from Mirror Now, that he has now moved to the Girgaun police station and lodged an FIR which accuses Himanshi of ‘bullying’ him and breaking in his office.
Let us give you a quick flashback. The second mini trail of Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma’s ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ mentioned the word ‘intercourse’ which Nihalani found inappropriate for U/A certificate and also thought it couldn’t be aired on the TV.
Hence, makers were asked either to remove the word or get an ‘A’ certificate for the film. After his decision stirred debate and the mass media started questioning him, an irked Nihalani threw a challenge through Mirror Now TV channel.
“You take voting from the public and I will clear the word (intercourse) on the promo and the film also. I want 1 lakh votes and I want to see that India has changed and Indian families want their 12-year-old kids to understand the meaning of this word (intercourse),” he said. (Also Read: Pahlaj Nihalani hits back at the makers of ‘Babumoshai Bandookbaaz’)
We can vouch that more that one lakh people want intercourse! *Pun*
However, the channel soon started running a poll on their Twitter handle and Nihalani lost it. It was his turn to answer how he would address his loss and whether he would now pass the word in the trailer and the film. When the reporter in question caught him inside an elevator, the troubled man moved to the farthest corner and pretended as if he was not hearing. What a buffoon-alike situation!
The video obviously went viral and he was ridiculed at the highest order. Ignoring a journalist inside the elevator is easy, but he probably found it difficult to ignore the trolls (and the uncomfortable and non-sanskari questions). Hence, he decided to go the legal way.
“Whenever she sees me, she enters into the lift with me and switches on her camera and continuously pesters me to speak while I choose to remain silent. She portrays me in a derogatory and humiliating manner on television and is blotting my image,” a part of his complaint read.
A glass of LOL, anyone?
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.