Actress Parineeti Chopra, on Wednesday, rubbished rumours of turning down AR Murugadoss’s next project, also featuring Mahesh Babu. She added that she was was indeed approached for the film but never announced a confirmation or denial on the same from her end.
“I’m not sure who said that I was doing the film, but the fact is, there was never an announcement from our side. We never comment on any film till we sign on the dotted line. Maybe the news came from their team. Yes, I was approached for it and discussions were going on… Maybe that’s why it led to the speculation, but one can only make an announcement once you sign it on paper,” Parineeti said.
“I am committed to Homi Adajania’s Takadum and another film after that. Having said that, I would like to add that I would love to do South films, but unfortunately, none worked out because of dates or other issues. I would love to do all kinds of cinema, whatever the language.” she added.
Well of course, who would not want to work with a superstar like Mahesh Babu?
Parineeti has recently been in trends for her latest song ‘Jaaneman Aah’ from the upcoming Varun Dhawan-John Abraham starrer ‘Dishoom’, where she was shaking a leg with Varun Dhawan, and looked stunning. We can’t wait to see more of her.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.