Cousins Priyanka Chopra and Parineeti Chopra have both managed to make a mark for themselves in the industry. While Parineeti is a name to reckon with in Bollywood, Priyanka has gone to be a global sensation.
But it sure is surprising that the two have still not worked together ever. Recently in an interview, when Parineeti was asked as to whether she was keen on working with her cousin, Parineeti said that she is waiting for an opportunity. “Wow… I am also waiting for that. If I have a great opportunity to work with her or sing with her that would be something I really want to do, but something really great has to come for both of us to do it together”.
Also Read:Â Priyanka Chopra: I am really, really apologetic
On work front, while Priyanka is busy with her International TV series, ‘Quantico’, Parineeti has just recently wrapped up ‘Meri Pyaari Bindu’ with Ayushmann Khurrana.
We too are super excited to see the two powerhouses of talent to work together soon.