Actress Payal Rohatgi recently tried coming in the limelight by posting a Facebook live video to slam an airline, but to her bad luck, got trolled instead.
The ex-Bigg Boss contestant, in her video, mentioned how she and her boyfriend, Sangram Singh were offloaded from a Jet Airways flight while going for a one day vacation in Kerala. She also mentioned about the unprofessional behaviour of the staff and ‘wrongly’ accusing her of abusing them.
Check out her video:
While we first thought that it was the airlines fault, but later it turned out to be Payal’s mistake as she herself can be heard saying that her flight was at 6.50 and she had actually reached airport to check in at around 20 minutes before the flight, which is actually the time that the gate closes.
This video of hers backfired and people starred trolling the actress instead. Check out some of the posts that totally made sense in trolling Payal.
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