In the year 2015, many hearts broke when Shahid Kapoor tied the knot, in a big fat Indian wedding, with Delhi-based Mira Rajput. A year into the marriage, they were blessed with a baby girl, whom they lovingly named Misha Kapoor. Though we did not get a glimpse of the cutie initially, but six months into the world, and Shahid and Mira started sharing pictures and videos of the little one, making us melt with her innocence.
Recently, Shahid shared an endearing picture of himself and Misha, and today Mira has shared a picture of him and their daughter, totally in a state of blissful happiness. (Also Read: Look WHAT we found on Mira Rajput’s PHONE!)
Take a look.
Aww… this is super cute. And look at those bunny milk teeth of Misha. We are sure she is on a biting and chewing spree. LOL!
On work front, Shahid is currently gearing up for the release of ‘Padmavati’, which is embroiled in a controversy as nation-wide protests against the same are going on, which even resulted in a death, recently. With the whole country debating on whether or not the movie should be released, and the makers postponing the release date indefinitely, we don’t know when will it see the light of the day.
Anyway, Shahid surely seems at ease. And why not? A bit of that toothy smile just for daddy dearie should do the job just fine. Right Misha?
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!