Ex-lovers Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are busy with the shoot of Anurag Basu’s ‘Jagga Jasoos’. The couple is wrapping up the film in Morocco. Recently, a number of pictures and videos from the shoot made their way to the social network. The two, who were not willing to work with each other after their break up much to the dismay of the makers, were spotted having a fun time there.
Now some more pictures from the sets have made their way online. They have not one Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif but two! No, they are not the actors’ twins, but their body doubles. The foursome are looking too cute together.
Spot the difference! Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor with their #JaggaJasoos stunt doubles in Morocco pic.twitter.com/us42EeSmFC
— Katrina Kaif Online (@KatrinaKaifFB) May 26, 2016
Anurag Basu’s ‘Jagga Jasoos’ is a story of a young detective who is on a mission. He is looking out for his father who has been missing since a long time. Ranbir Kapoor had said, “With ‘Jagga Jasoos’, Anurag Basu is trying to bring in a new genre of films to Bollywood. And it’s very interesting for me as an actor to play a young detective who stammers and is on his way to find his stepfather. It’s on the landscape of an adventure film like ‘Indiana Jones’ or ‘Tintin’.”
Looks like finally after a number of delays the movie is all set to be completed. We are quite excited about ‘Jagga Jasoos’, are you?
LEAKED: Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif’s action sequence from ‘Jagga Jasoos’
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