Salman Khan‘s upcoming film ‘Sultan’ will witness an amalgamation of an awesome starcast. Apart from the Dabangg Khan, the film has Anushka Sharma and Randeep Hooda essaying pivotal roles in the film. While Anushka is going to be Salman’s love interest and a wrestler in the film, Randeep would play the character of Salman’s wrestling coach, who helps him revive his career. We have already got a glimpse of the same through the trailer. But, this is all about the film. In real-life Salman, Randeep and Anushka have turned out to become really good friends and the pictures of their behind the scenes are the proof.
We recently came across a picture of Salman and Randeep spending some casual time on the sets of ‘Sultan’. This picture has been shared by the director of the film Ali Abbas Zafar with caption, “buddy time -casual coffee break between takes @BeingSalmanKhan @RandeepHooda @SultanTheMovie”.
Buddy time -casual coffee break between takes @BeingSalmanKhan @RandeepHooda @SultanTheMovie
— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) June 12, 2016
Now, that’s one candid picture, isn’t it? It’s good to know that the stars do bond well on sets.
‘Sultan’ releases this Eid.
Also Read: Check out teaser poster of ‘Sultan’s song ‘440 Volts’
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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