Actress Surveen Chawla had announced her pregnancy in November. Ever since her baby bump became prominent, the stunner has been flaunting it in style. The ‘Hate Story’ star, who is married to Akshay Thakker, is now eagerly waiting for her bundle of joy to arrive and make their family complete.
Recently, a Godhbharai ceremony was hosted for the mother to be and she glowed in a golden saree at the event. Surveen shared some pictures from the ceremony that soon went viral.
Check them out here:
The pregnant star exuded an enviable glow in a shimmering saree. The saree subtly flaunted her baby bump.
She had matched the silk saree with a bright magenta polka dot blouse.
She accessorized her look with a heavy chunky gold choker, a statement pearl necklace and a pair of statement earrings to complete it.
The mother to be had tied her hair in a bun with some pink flowers surrounding it.
In one of the pictures, she is seen putting a protective hand on her baby bump.
The soon-to-be mommy looked like a million dollars in the traditional attire.
The mommy-to-be had, later on, changed to an orange off-shoulder maternity dress which she teamed-up with similar jhumkas.
She truly knows how to rock the pregnancy look in style.
Now we just cannot wait to see Surveen with her bundle of joy soon.
Also Read: In Pics: Surveen Chawla proudly flaunts her baby bump in a photo shoot