Actress Vidya Balan was recently invited to the ongoing ‘Rann Utsav’ in Gujarat. Organised by Gujarat Tourism, the festival celebrates the exceptional natural traits and habitats of Rann of Kutch . She not only went there but also had the unique experience of staying at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bulletproof tent.
Priya Gupta, co-producer of Vidya’s upcoming release ‘Tumhari Sulu’, took to Twitter and shared pictures of the tent. “@vidya_balan invited to stay in PM @narendramodi’s Bulletproof tent at #RannUtsav,” she wrote. (Also Read: This charming actor has a cameo in Vidya Balan-starrer)
@vidya_balan invited to stay in PM @narendramodi’s Bullet proof tent at #RannUtsav. @GujaratTourism #TumhariSulu
— Priya Gupta (@priyagupta999) November 9, 2017
From the pictures, the tent looks as comfy as one’s own home. Add to that the thrill of staying inside a bulletproof shelter that too reserved only for PM Narendra Modi!
Vidya is currently busy promoting ‘Tumhari Sulu’, wherein she plays an RJ with quite a sultry side to her. The film pairs her opposite actor Manav Kaul for the first time and is being called a slice-of-life film.
Her last releases, on a row, haven’t been successful at box office. Here’s hoping ‘Tumhari Sulu’ changes the game.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.