Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ Delhi reception has begun. The couple’s reception saw India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi gracing the occasion and posing with the newlyweds. Priyanka and Nick, earlier got married according to Hindu and Christian traditions in Jodhpur.
The Delhi reception is certainly living up to all the expectations and the couple were looking fabulous in their amazing ensembles. After arriving at the reception PM Modi extended his wishes to the newlyweds. You can have a look at PM Modi congratulating Nick and Priyanka in the video below:
PM Narendra Modi, despite being busy with election campaigning for the upcoming five state elections took time out from his busy schedule and blessed the newlywed couple. He also chatted with them and their family at the reception.
The Prime Minister attended the reception wearing his trademark Modi jacket and white kurta-pyjamas. Yesterday, PM Modi was campaigning in Rajasthan for the assembly elections. He flew back to Delhi today. The couple had personally invited PM Modi for their reception and staying true to his promise he did grace their reception with his presence.
For their reception, Nick Jonas is wearing a tuxedo with a dark blue jacket and a pair of black trouser whereas Priyanka is wearing a sparkling lehenga.
Post their Delhi reception, NickYanka is expected to host another reception in Mumbai for the actress’ industry friends.
For more updates on Nick and Priyanka’s wedding reception keep watching this space.
Also Read: In Pics: Priyanka and Nick are looking drop dead gorgeous at their Delhi reception
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