Just sometime back, Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal got hitched and pictures from their wedding even leaked online, creating a frenzy on social media. As fans are extremely elated to see Vicky and Katrina as husband and wife online, there are some other fans who were seen crowding outside the VicKat wedding venue. Just recently, we came across a video where the Rajasthan police officers were seen asking the people to leave the premises as they were flouting the COVID-19 guidelines.
In the video, we get to see 40-50 people gathering outside their wedding venue just to get a glimpse of the couple. However, the police then asks them to leave as the crowd was just increasing. Not just the fans, we even get to localities and the paparazzi waiting with their camera just to get a glance of this couple. For now, Vicky and Katrina’s varmala ceremony has been conducted in a royal style. In the leaked pictures, we get to Katrina donning a gorgeous red lehenga from the shelves of Sabyasachi. The Tiger 3 paired her wedding ensemble with matching jewellery while oozing royalty and how!
Watch the video outside Katrina and Vicky wedding venue here:
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Since it was reported that Katrina always wanted a royal wedding for herself, it seems like she has manifested it whereas Vicky looked dapper as always wearing a pristine white sherwani along with a turban, giving a little Maharaj touch to his look. The duo complimented each other and we are absolutely smitten to see them together as husband and wife.
Also read: EXCLUSIVE: Katrina Kaif’s stunning red wedding lehenga cost REVEALED