Every new season of the show ‘Bigg Boss’ brings in a fresh lot of controversies for its host Salman Khan. The latest season of this show has also brought a lot of trouble for the actor. In the first week itself, Salman got in a verbal fight with contestant Zubair Khan. Post his eviction, Zubair who claims to have ties with the underworld, lodged a complaint against the actor for insulting him on national television. (Also Read: Salman Khan says ‘I am Sorry’ to all the dogs as he shoots for Bigg Boss 11)
Well, looks like Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera too has landed himself into a legal scoop, thanks to this controversy. A FIR has been lodged against him by a lady named Shabnam Sheikh. Apparently, Shera asked this woman to settle this Zubair Khan’s case. While doing so, Shabnam claims that Shera threatened her. She has now lodged a FIR in Khar police station against Shera. We have a copy of this FIR.
Check it out:
In his response, Shera has apparently denied meeting his woman and has stated that all the allegations are false.
Shera has been serving as Salman Khan’s bodyguard for years now and this is not the first time that he has gotten himself into trouble. In the year 2016, a case was filed against him for physically assaulting a man named Akhtar Qureshi.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.