Ajay Devgn launched the teaser poster and announced the title of Kajol’s upcoming film – ‘Helicopter Eela’ on his social media handles. ‘Helicopter Eela’, which was tentatively named ‘Eela’, is directed by Pradeep Sarkar and stars Kajol and National award winner Riddhi Sen in lead roles.
In the poster, Riddhi Sen can be seen trying to free himself from the clutches of the puppeteer. Check out the poster here:
Written by Mitesh Shah, the film will see Kajol playing a single mother and an aspiring singer. The story will revolve around her relationship with her on-screen son who is played by Bengali actor Riddhi Sen.
Ajay Devgn & Jayantilal Gada (Pen) presents, co-produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak, Vikrant Sharma, Reshmaa Kadakia, Kushal Kantilal Gada, Neeraj Gala and produced by Ajay Devgn, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada, Aksshay Jayantilal Gada, ‘Eela’ is all set to release on 14th September 2018.
Also Read: Kajol and Ajay Devgn’s project ‘Eela’ will release on this date
Apart from this, Kajol, who recently dubbed for the Hindi version of Disney.Pixar’s ‘Incredibles 2’, said she finds the process painful.
Asked how she looks back at the after the success of the film, Kajol said, “I still find the dubbing process painful despite success of the film…But yes definitely every thing we worked towards has panned out well and has been appreciated.”