After Bollywood, it seems now Tollywood is on wedding spree. ‘Baahubali’ fame director SS Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya got hitched to his longtime girlfriend, Pooja Prasad on December 30 in Jaipur. Earlier, we came across pictures and videos of Tollywood stars including Prabhas, Anushka Shetty, Rana Daggubati, Jr. NTR, Ram Charan and others. They flew down to Jaipur to attend pre-wedding festivities and wedding of Karthikeya. Now, the internet is flooded with all the inside pictures and videos of the ceremony.
The pre-wedding ceremonies began with the mehendi and sangeet ceremony that took place on December 29 and 30. Have a look at the unseen pictures and videos from the wedding.
Rajamouli, who is a man of a few words, was grooving at his son’s wedding.
Prabhas and Nagarjuna were seen shaking legs together.
Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen also attended the wedding with her rumoured boyfriend Rohman Shawl. She shared this unseen video of the bride and the groom performing wedding rituals.
We are glad to see this side of Rajamouli. He is seen dancing with his wife.
Prabhas posed with Sushmita Sen’s brother.
Rana Daggubati posed with Anushka Shetty and other guests.
Prabhas and Anushka were the center of attention at the wedding ceremony. The couple were rumoured to be dating, but recently, Prabhas has put this news to rest on ‘Koffee With Karan Season 6’. He revealed that he is single and not dating Anushka.
Also Read: See pics and videos: Prabhas, Anushka, Rana and others reach Jaipur for SS Rajamouli’s son’s wedding