The #MeToo movement in Bollywood gained pace soon after actress Tanushree Dutta came ahead and accused veteran actor Nana Patekar of misbehaving with her on their film’s set, 10 years ago. Soon, models and actress got the right push to share their horrific stories about various popular Bollywood men including Sajid Khan, Alok Nath, Rajat Kapoor, Bhushan Kumar, Vikas Bahl and many others, abusing them on and off sets.
While every big or small actor have come out to talk about the matter, actress Preity Zinta too recently shared her views on the on going #MeToo movement. Speaking to Bollywood Hungama about how its good that the movement started and how some women are misusing it, the actress said, “It’s important that this movement has started, because there are people in position of power that misuse it. However it is important to understand that A: Its not a man vs woman thing and B: Not every man is a rapist and not every woman is an ‘abla nari’. I do feel bad when women kind of use this sometimes for publicity or revenge. But that is a small portion of it, and most of the stories that are coming out are very true.”
When asked if she very faced an such incident, the actress jokingly said, “No, I haven’t. But I wish I had.”
On the work front, Preity will soon be making her comeback in the industry with ‘Bhaiaji Superhit’ alongside Sunny Deol.
Also Read: Preity Zinta trolled heavily for commenting on Ahaan Panday’s mother’s cleavage revealing dress